
Trash Stash: November 2015

With last month’s legendary trash Stash, this month yielded a much smaller amount of empties.

I’m most proud of completing up that bit pot of Laura Mercier powder!

Laura Mercier trick Brightening Powder – $30 for 4g (Sephora)
This bit pot of wonderful powder took me three years to finish! (I noted that I bought it Dec 7, 2012 during the VIB spend $50 as well as get $20 off coupon). I utilized this powder to set my under eye area almost every single day.  It provides a bit of illumination (tiny bit bits of shimmer) as well as sets my concealer – as well as it doesn’t looks cakey or dry. now that it’s gone from my life, I miss it a lot! I am now trying to utilize up my MAC Prep + Prime transparent completing Powder as well as I don’t like it as much – it makes the eye area look dry as well as crepey. I just opened the e.l.f. High meaning Powder (which has been sitting unused in my stock for the past 2 years!) as well as it’s just ok… it’s a nice powder however not as illuminating as the LM for the under eye area. next up, I’m going to bust open the Nars Light Reflecting loose setting Powder (also unopened in my stash) to see exactly how it fares. bottom line: the LM powder was worth every cent as well as I will definitely repurchase (perhaps utilizing THIS year’s VIB coupon? )
स्टेशन योग्यता: 10/10 पुन: खरीद: हो

Bourjois volume beauty Max Mascara – $21 for 10ml (Shoppers medication Mart)
I’ve not come across a Bourjois mascara that I didn’t like as well as this is no exception. It provides an remarkable amount of volume while managing to not evaluate down the lashes. It likewise doesn’t smudge on me. The only slight negatives of this mascara is that it is rather wet at first as well as with such a big wand, there’s danger of getting the mascara on my eyelid when applying (this diminishes as the mascara dries out over time). It is likewise a bit clumpy however nothing that can’t be remedied with a metal lash comb. I likewise like that this mascara can be developed up as well as it doesn’t create spidery lashes. The packaging is likewise top notch – there’s a clicking system so I can tell it’s closed.  I got this mascara as a part of a set – I’m not sure if I’m willing to pay $21 for a mascara, I’m as well spoiled with Cover woman Lashblast.
Stash worthiness: 8/10     Repurchase: Maybe

Simple Cleansing Micellar Water – $10 for 198ml (drugstores)
I was excited to try this micellar water that has been getting rave reviews.  I think about myself somewhat of a connoisseur of micellar waters as well as this just didn’t online as much as the hype for me. It’s rather soapy as well as left a residue on my skin. It likewise doesn’t clean as thoroughly as other micellar waters I’ve utilized – rather than lifting residue off my skin, it smears it around.  I bought this on sale so I’m not as well upset.   It is rather gentle so I can see this being a great choice for those with sensitive skin.
Stash worthiness: 5/10     Repurchase: No

Kibio Suncare deal with lotion SPF 50 – $22 for 40ml
This expired last November.  But I was persuaded I’d make utilize of it on my hands or other areas besides my deal with – it’s just much as well emollient as well as thick.  It likewise leaves a strong white cast on the skin.  I did like that it was 100% mineral sunscreen with a high SPF.  Kibio was a defunct brand had by Clarins – it focused on natural as well as organic components in its formulations.  There are a few Kibio products that I truly like including their facial moisturizer as well as clay mask.  When shoppers cleared this brand out in early 2013, I stocked up on a few products as well as this was one of them – I believe I bought this at 50% off.
स्टिश योग्यता: / 10/10 मा पुन: खरीद गर्नुहोस्: होईन

GarraudBIO comfort Nourishing Hand cream – $24 for 50ml
I got this on clearance at Rexall. I liked that it has natural components as well as was made in France. I got it for something like 75% off. It’s a great hand cream – not as well greasy as well as not excessively fragrant. However, it doesn’t last as well long on the hands, as well as I discovered that as I utilized it, the product ended up being lumpy as well as looked separated.  I assumption that’s the difficulty of natural products – sometimes the structures are weird as well as they may not keep steady as long.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Cake beauty Unsweet Velveteen Hand cream – $18 for 100ml
Cake beauty is understood for their scrumptiously scented body products, however I had to get this unscented version to keep at the office since my coworkers (namely, my boss!) is sensitive to fragrance. The hand cream is extremely high quality, utilizing glycerin, mango seed as well as shea butters – it’s not greasy at all as well as keeps my hands moisturized for a long time. unfortunately this specific version in the Velveteen formula is discontinued, however Cake has a sub-brand called Delectable which is offered in drugstoresसाथै त्यहाँ एक दायरा मा एक अनिश्चित संस्करण छ।
स्टेशन योग्यता: / 10/110 पुन: खरीद: होईन (तर म विकृति योग्य संस्करण प्रयास गर्न सक्दछ)

Lakoupe भोल्युम एम्प्लेटेड शैम्पू – 350ml (अनलाइन: राम्रो: राम्रो
201 2013 मा संस्थाको प्रमोदवनमा पुन: बखत मैले शैलीको यो विशाल बोतल किनें … मैले यो बोतल सुंगुरात्मक समयमा खुला राखें, यो मलाई यो लामो समय लाग्यो। अनुमति छ, मैले यो शैम्पूको उपयोग मात्र गरेन तर मैले सम्भवतः हप्तामा times पटक मात्र प्रयोग गरें। म साँच्चिकै मन पराउँछु कि कसरी यो शैम्पू गुनारहरू र गन्ध उल्लेखनीय छ (सलुलून जस्तो गन्ध आउँछ?) यद्यपि म यो शैम्पूको वैकल्पिक रूपमा गर्न चाहन्छु अरूसँग त्यसैले यो मेरो कपाललाई तल झार्दैन। साथै, पछिल्लो 12 महिना भित्र मैले याद गरें कि Lakoupe (एक क्यानाडाली ब्रान्ड) सबै मक्नी पसलबाट हराइसकेको छ। केवल स्थान मैले यसलाई पत्ता लगाउन सक्दछु अब अनलाइन छ।
स्टेशन योग्यता: / 10/10 मा पुन: खरीद: हुनसक्छ, यदि म यसलाई फेला पार्न सक्छु

रिडस्सीन क्लोरसेस स्प्रे अप स्प्रे-$ 22 को लागि 1 1453 22 को लागि (सैजना) साथै अनलाइन)
मैले यो अन्तिम वर्षलाई एक Consmazments props depter deplies रेट पप-अप पसलले भव्य ब्रान्ड भनिन्छ, जसले केहि सभ्य प्रस्तावहरू उच्च-अन्त ब्रान्डमा जे पनि गर्यो। यो कर्ल स्प्रेमा मेरो कपाल क्रुन्क्लो छोड्ने प्रवृत्ति हुन्छ त्यसैले मैले थोरै रूपमा प्रयोग गर्नुपर्नेछ। यो गन्ध राम्रो – उम, एक सलुन जस्तै।
स्टिश योग्यता: / 10/10 मा पुन: खरीद गर्नुहोस्: होईन


क्लोरान्नको saelothy आँखा संक्रामक क्लीननल लोशन – $ 1 only 100 को लागि (औषधि पसल)
म यस उत्पादनको बारेमा उत्सुक छु जबदेखि यसलाई “फ्रान्सेली ग्राहिक सौन्दर्य उत्पादनको रूपमा रेक्सलमा फेला पार्दै। म यसको नमूना प्राप्त गर्न को लागी एक नमूना प्राप्त गर्न को लागी म यति खुसी छु कि मैले किनेका पहिले नै मैले यो कुरा गर्न कोसिस गरें। यो पुरानो महिला अत्तर मिश्रित गरी बग हटाउनको साथ मिश्रित गन्ध आउँछ – साथै गन्ध लि ing ्गहरू पनि। जबकि यो सबै आँखा मेकअप हटाउन को लागी कुशल छ, यो एक ग्रीश सूत्र हो साथै मेरो छालामा एक अवशेष को लागी। यो उत्पादनको बारेमा सोच्दा यो निराशाजनक अनुभव थियो। पूर्ण आकारको सट्टा महँगो छ।
स्टेशन योग्यता: / 10/110 पुन: खरीद गर्नुहोस्: होईन

Vichy शुद्ध arrmale एक कदम एक चरण माइलीलर समाधान – इन-इन -1 – 200MLL (Roctstoress) को लागी
म जस्तै यो माइकल पानी। यो धेरै सबै भन्दा राम्रो उपलब्ध छैन यद्यपि खराब पनि खराब होइन। यो मेरो लागि बायोडारोको साथ घाँटीका साथै घाँटीका साथै घाँटी पनि हो। यो शुद्ध अवशेष राम्रो छ साथै कुनै गन्ध छैन। मसँग पूर्ण आकारको बोतल थियो साथै मेरो स्टकमा यसको पूर्ण आकारको बोतल छ जुन मैले मेरो स्टकमा पूर्ण आकारको बोतल गर्दछु जुन मैले 400% भन्दा बढि पदोन्नतिको बखत खरीद गरें।
स्टिश योग्यता: // 11080 पुन: खरीद: हो

के तपाईंले यी उत्पादनहरू मध्ये कुनै प्रकारको प्रयास गर्नुभयो? ठ्याक्कै खाली ठाउँहरूमा तपाईको नोभेम्बरको लागि कसरी भयो?

भोली डिसेम्बर छ! र त्यहाँ ब्लगमा केहि रोचक भइरहेको छ … ट्युन रहनुहोस्।

यो साझा गर्नुहोस्:

यसलाई साथीलाई ईमेल गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)
Plinate मा साझा गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)

ट्विटरमा साझेदारी गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)
टम्बलरमा साझेदारी गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)

REDDIT मा साझा गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)

यो जस्तो:
लोडिंग जस्तै …


रद्दीटोकरी स्टिश: फेब्रुअरी 201 2017 बेलुका महिनाको अन्त्यमा महीनाको अन्त्यमा मेरो रद्दीको लागि सबै मेरा सबै सामानहरू राम्रोसँग प्रदान गर्नु अघि उनीहरूको अन्तिम फोटो प्रदान गर्नुहोस्। XD म एक बिटलाई एक बिट चिन्तित छु कि मैले प्रत्येक दिन कोटाको घोटालालाई हिर्काएँ … ओ_ओ स्किनलेन्जेयर सियोजेक कर्लए ग्रीन …
मार्च ,, 201 17 “सौन्दर्य”

PP12: Bryjois जाभाको चामल छाँसाको लागि म एक उत्पादन देखाउँदै छु जुन मेरो मेकअप ग्र्याभमा धुलो स collecting ्कलन गर्दैछु, एक धेरै उत्पादनहरूमा मँ धेरै उत्पादनहरू थिए। यो निर्दिष्ट गरिएको छ कि यो प्रतिबन्धित संस्करण थियो: यद्यपि मैले यो उत्पादलाई प्रमाणित गरें …
नोभेम्बर ,, 201 2016in “सौन्दर्य”

फाउंडेशन, पाउडर, हसेटलर स्टेशम व्यक्तिहरूको 1 वा 2 संस्थाहरू (सायद एक जाडोको छाया र गर्मीको लागि एक जनाको साथ), एक जोडी (आँखा गाढा सर्कल बनामहरु को एक जोडी (आँखा गाढा सर्कल को एक जोडी) को साथ साथै पाउडर मुनि। त्यो सामान्य छ। किन मैले यस धेरै संस्था / पाउडरहरू / स्पर्शकर्ताहरू (वा फोनलाई कल गर्दैछु (वा म फोन गर्दै), आधार उत्पादनहरू), …
अगस्त 1 14, 201 You “सौन्दर्य”

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