Unsung makeup Heroes: Maybelline baby Lips Dr. Rescue Medicated Balm

Rescuing my lips with Maybelline baby Lips Dr. Rescue in 40 Pink Me Up The long-running Unsung Heroes series here on makeup and appeal blog features some of our all-time favorite permanent collection products. I’ve got dry lips. Like, Sonoran Desert dry. विज्ञापन Many have tried to figure out why, I assure you, and lots of have failed. between the overall dryness of my skin, to its tendency to eczema and how my lips aggravatingly seem to need to really get in the mood for our six-month wintertime here in the arctic tundra that is Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, my...

Make Your own Commodity fragrance mixed drink

I haven’t had a mixed drink since my birthday trip to new Orleans last June. Mind you, I believe I had sufficient of them at the time to last me with rather a few months. विज्ञापन (I only have to make it to early/mid March.) I’m not a huge drinker to begin with anyway, so I don’t miss it much, however I do have to say…I kinda miss making good friends with strangers at the bar. And, weirdly, I miss the odor of cocktails. मलाई थाहा छ; weird. however I’ve always liked to do that — sniff drinks — since...

FOTD: A beauty Voyage With Dolce & Gabbana spring 2016 and shop Fresh nude foundation

FOTD with D&G’s beauty Voyage spring 2016 Ready for the warmer weather सबैलाई नमस्ते! I thought I’d share my face of the day and thoughts on two new-to-me products: Dolce & Gabbana spring 2016 The beauty Voyage ($150) and The Body Shop’s Fresh nude Foundation ($25). FOTD using Anastasia, Benefit, Sephora, The Body Shop, and D&G Beauty Products used: विज्ञापन Anastasia Dipbrow pomade in Blonde (I use this light cool shade for a softer effect) Benefit They’re real mascara Sephora bright Future Gel-serum Concealer The Body shop Fresh nude foundation in Bora Bora / Tiare 012 Dolce & Gabbana beauty Voyage palette...

NUDESTIX Gel Colour Lip + Cheek Balm: These Glossy, Pigmented Pencils Do Double-Duty

four of the eight NUDESTIX Gel color Lip + Cheek Balms ($24 each) I had a dream the other night that I left these NUDESTIX Gel Colours out on my desk, as well as a toddler-sized Connor Claire discovered them as well as utilized them to draw around my office walls. But like, honestly, I wasn’t even mad at her, since I thought, “Girl, you’ve got great taste! If I were a kid, I’d most likely do the exact same thing. BRAVO.” विज्ञापन These NUDESIX Gel Colours came out a while back (late spring/early summer, I believe) in eight $24...

मेकअप र सौन्दर्य ब्लग सोमबार चुराई, भौगोलिक। 423

You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?” ठिक छ, यो वास्तवमै चुनाव छैन। यो निरन्तर विकसित (नि: शुल्क हो?), विगत आठ (!) बर्षको लागि मैले पाठकहरूको केही अनियमित सूचीमा राख्दै छु। (यो तपाईंको मस्तिष्कको लागि किकस्टर्ट जस्तै छ।) मैले टिप्पणीहरूमा तपाईंको उत्तरहरू पढ्न रमाईलो गरें, र म आशा गर्दछु कि तपाईं मेरो पढ्न रमाईलो गर्नुहुन्छ। When was the last time you went all out with your makeup? I think it’s been about two weeks… Or has it been three? funny how time gets all mushy when you’re doing hard time in baby jail....

The finest in appeal From the Boot, Vol. 9: A deal with of the Day with Giorgio Armani appeal

using Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro in 400 The Red on my lips, as well as Giorgio Armani Eyes To kill intense Eyeshadow in 5 Gold Blitz on my eyes Let’s do something a bit different today, shall we? I’ve only ever tried two products from the Giorgio Armani appeal range, which is absolutely not sufficient to compose one of my normal brand spotlight posts. Those two products are so good, though, that I feel like I can’t not somehow tell you about them. विज्ञापन I’m speaking about the Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro in 400 The Red as well as the...

4 Lipsticks I love That no one ever Talks about

Tarte LipSurgence Matte Lip Tint in Fiery on my lips Well, I’m sure that some people did talk about them back when they were first released, but they seem to have fallen into oblivion in favor of more recent launches… We beauty lovers are a little like spoiled children sometimes, don’t you think? We like our brand new toys for about 10 seconds, and then we want newer, shinier things to keep ourselves entertained. विज्ञापन But today is a different day, and I’m bringing back the love for four these not-so-recent lipsticks I absolutely adore! Clockwise from the top left...

एक मेकअप ट्रिक यात्रा गर्न को लागी एक मेकअपल

को पुरानो श्रृंगार बाहिर, म तपाइँको दुखाइ महसुस गर्दछु! जब म यात्रा गर्दछु, मेरो स्वाभाविक झुकाव भनेको जे पनि पनि भान्छा क्षेत्र डुब्नको रूपमा ल्याउनु हुन्छ (मैले कुनै कुराको लागि तयार महसुस गरें)। तर म सँधै मेरो मेकअप झोलालाई ट्रिम गर्ने तरिकाहरू खोज्दै छु किनकि म साँच्चिकै minutes0 मिनेटमा छु, क्रीजमा खैरो रंगको तीन शेडहरू? विज्ञापन सायद होईन। मैले सिकेको छु कि धेरै सामानहरू म ल्याउने धेरै चीजहरू, म वास्तवमै प्रयोग गर्दिन, त्यसैले मलाई 1 15 पाउन्ड मेकअप ल्याउन गर्न चाहान्छु। र त्यसपछि मँ खाली गर्दछु यसको आधा Thohah मा ल्याउन मेरो मेकअप प्याक प्याक गर्दा म के गरें के...

Wems चीजहरू जुन म हालै माया गर्छु | छुट्टी संस्करण

ठीकसँग तपाईंको छुट्टी खरीदको धेरै तपाईंले यस वर्ष इन्टरनेटमा गर्नुभयो? म इमान्दार हुनु पर्छ ... अमेजन प्राइम निश्चित रूपमा तपाईको मतलब के हो बुझ्नु भयो भने। हो, मसँग अझै धेरै चीजहरू छन्, यद्यपि म पक्का छु जुन आफैँ बाहिर काम गर्दछ। यद्यपि क्रिसमस सधैं 25 औं 25 औं मा झर्छ, यो मेरो प्रत्येक पटक ममा लुकिन्छ, LOL! त्यो किन हो? म सँधै अन्तिम मिनेटमा केहि गर्दैछु। * सास * विज्ञापन यहाँ केहि चीजहरू छन् जुन मैले छुट्टीको मौसममा माया गरिरहेको छु। ठ्याक्कै तपाईको बारेमा कत्ति मीठा? केहि चीजहरू छन् जुन तपाईका सबैको बारेमा हुनुहुन्छ? विज्ञापन 1. महानगरपालिकाको क्षय सरोकार मोडिडस्ट...

सुनौलो घण्टा

मा बेकोको नरम प्रकाशको अपील को अपीलको अपील मैले यो व्यक्तिको बारेमा कतै जाँच गरें जब एक पछि अर्को महिलाले भ्यालेन्सिया फिल्टरदेखि इन्स्टाग्राममा धेरै महिलाको साथ खसे। तपाइँ जान्नुहुन्छ, म उसलाई दोष दिन सक्दिन किनकि त्यो valncia फिल्टर हो? धिक्कार छ। वाह। यो सबैभन्दा ग्लैमता, राम्रो प्रकाश जस्तो छ। विज्ञापन म मेरो आफ्नै भ्यालेन्सिया व्यक्तिगत फिल्टर हज गर्न सक्छु ?? गोल्डन घण्टामा नयाँ $ 38 Becch 38 Becable Bust dult dulring पाउडरको पछाडिको अवधारणा हो - यो एक पोर्टेबल, व्यक्तिगत 2 // practips तस्वीर फिल्टर हो। के यो वास्तवमै पारदर्शी छ? यो बेकाको वसन्त संग्रहको अंश हो, साथै प्रभावको ब्रशमा...