#MACxLarLarLee as well as #MACxGabrielZamora Lipsticks: on the internet Exclusives Coming April 20th

#MACxLarLarLee Matte Lipstick, an on the internet special coming April 20th MAC is back in the #collab #influencer game, as well as this time around they’ve partnered with 10 YouTube as well as Instagram influencers on a new line of 10 restricted edition on the internet special worldwide lipsticks introducing in different countries over the next few months for $17 each. If you want to track them all down, you may have to make good friends in the UK, Canada, Brazil, the middle East, France, Germany as well as Australia. Here in North America, the two Lipsticks introducing are Matte...

तपाईंको आधारभूत छाला हेरचाह / छालाप्रेस / मेकअप प्रक्रिया के हो? यहाँ मेरो छ …

तपाईंको आधारभूत छाला हेरचाह / छाला प्रोपअप / मेकअप प्रक्रिया के हो? यहाँ मेरो छ ... 1. मेरो अनुहारमा हाइडिंग धुंध म्याक फिक्स + ($ 22) मेरो लामो समय र अझै पनि हालको जाम भएको छ। म व्यावहारिक रूपमा मसँग बोतल हुन्छु, र म यी मध्ये एक यात्राको आकारमा पनि यात्रा गर्दछु। विज्ञापन तर म एलो, जडिबुटी र लाउदाको साथ मारियो ब्याडकुको अनुहार स्प्रे गर्न उत्सुक छु। यो केवल $ 7 हो, त्यसैले फिक्स + फिक्स +, र मेरो पाल Kwmetelle (हे, हे, हाउल, हाइगाया!) यसबाट शपिंगहरू। सबैभन्दा राम्रो अब यो मेरो कहिल्यै अन्त नहुने सूचीको शीर्षमा छ अर्को पटक...

MAC बाट $ 50 Egtt कार्ड जित्न टिप्पणी! (सोमबारको अन्त्य)

** दिवाक बन्द छ ** यो दिग्गै बन्द छ, र विजेतालाई सम्पर्क गरिएको छ (बधाई, मेलिसा !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! उठ्नुहोस् र चम्किन्छ, बिहानको महिमा! त्यहाँ हावामा जादू छ ... के तपाईं यो महसुस गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ? यसले मेरो पाखुराको कपाल बनाउँदैछ। तपाईं जे सप्ताहन्तमा जे गर्नुहुन्छ, म आशा गर्दछु तपाईं रमाईलो गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ। मलाई थाहा छ तपाईं शायद, पनि व्यस्त हुनुहुन्छ, र केहि कामहरू गर्नुहोला, तर यो महत्त्वपूर्ण छ कि तपाईं आफ्नै लागि थोरै समय लिनुभयो। तपाईंले ती ब्याट्रीहरू रिचार्ज गर्न आवश्यक छ, मेरो साथी। विज्ञापन मैले अझै दिनको लागि मेरो योजना पत्ता लगाउन सक्तिन, तर म एक राम्रो बिहानको खाजा (वा ब्रन्च!)...

5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

The last one for 2017! 1. wintertime sunrises They’ve been epic here in NorCal lately. Red, pink, orange and violet-tinged clouds nearly every morning. The other day I ran outside at 6:30 in pajamas, a down coat, wool socks and flip-flops to take this photo because 1) #noshame, and 2) the sky looked like a sci-fi Van Gogh painting. विज्ञापन One of my neighbors drove by on her way to work, and I could see she was laughing at me. I hope it was laughing in a good way, LOL! 2. This “Fleetwood Cat” tee ERHMAHGOODNESS. Cat-themed band tees are...

Smashbox combination Soft Lights in Baked Starblush: Mmm… Doesn’t a Baked Starblush noise tasty best Now?

Smashbox combination Soft Lights in Baked Starblush ($32)“Uh, yes, I’ll take a Baked Starblush as well as a tall Caramel Macchiato, please…” I truly such as this product’s name: Baked Starblush. It seems both astronomical as well as tasty. This right here is the Smashbox combination Soft Lights in Baked Starblush, one of two new $32 shimmery baked highlighters (the other one is called Starburst) including five private shades (there are two of each color) — in this one’s situation a soft white, a soft pink, a rosy pink, a dirty increased as well as a bright rose. Both are...

Must-Have Moisturizing products

I have combination skin, and I love pampering it with all kinds of moisturizing serums, potions and masks. I’ve found that keeping my skin moisturized is the best way to keep it pleased and avoid minor irritations and redness (my skin is also pretty sensitive, lucky me!). Even though we don’t really experience severe winter season weather in the Bay Area, thanks to indoor heating and cooler temperatures, I still load up on moisturizers, and these are my current favorites for keeping my skin moisturized and soft: विज्ञापन My nighttime skincare routine is sort of long, but I love it....

दिन सौन्दर्य, भौर्न मा। 10: Flamingos, Polka Dots, Deborah Lippmann spring 2016, as well as The enjoyment principle

Um…if this teal rash guard (complete with rollerskating flamingos) as well as matching ruffled polka-dot bikini bottoms are designed for babies, why do I want them so much for myself? They’re from Carters, which, coincidentally, is having a 50%-off sale on the internet now. विज्ञापन Obviously, I had to get them for BG (along with matching sun hat). Obvs. And, um…here’s to hoping that infant woman will really like to sprinkle around in the water. Yup, I truly hope that she’s a water infant (*crosses fingers as well as monkey toes*). विज्ञापन बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ?? $ 42 शप अब...

Neat and new to Me: Tom Ford Cocoa Mirage Quad

Tom Ford Cocoa Mirage Eye color Quad सफा र नयाँ मलाई नयाँ मेरो असंभव नायक शृंखला विपरीत, जुन स्थायी संग्रह उत्पादनहरू सुविधाहरू छन् जुन मैले लामो समय पाएको छु र लामो समय पाएको छु, सफा र मेरो रेखण्डले म तिनीहरूलाई भेट्टाएँ! - र अब मलाई लाग्छ कि तिनीहरू सफा छन् र मेरो लागि नयाँ। The girl crawled along the hot sand as the relentless Novato sun beat down on her. “Water…” she croaked into the dry air, pulling herself forward by her fingertips, “or chocolate… Either one.” Then she saw it, something in the distance — no, not a shimmering,...

My LoTD With the Sonia Kashuk Velvety Matte Lip Crayon in Rosey nude as well as twist Up Longwear liner...

Sonia Kashuk Velvety Matte Lip Crayon in Rosey nude ($7.99) as well as twist Up Longwear liner in Black diamond ($7.99) Do ya’ll ever just try a product, no matter what type of product it is, as well as realize… “How did I online my life before this? exactly how might I potentially have functioned as a human being before I had this [wonderful thing] in my life?” विज्ञापन That’s exactly how I felt when I found the Sonia Kashuk Velvety Matte Lip Crayons. I just recently got my very first Sonia Kashuk products, her Velvety Matte Lip Crayon in...