
How I Prep for an at-home Manicure…and ConnorClaire.com clue #1

wearing Sally Hansen miracle Gel nail polish in Lemon heaven (and there’s a clue in this pic about connorclaire.com…) So you know that super secret squirrel project I’ve been talking about and working on and hinting at for a while? Well, this is the first official clue! — and it may or may not have something to do with pineapples… विज्ञापन Stay tuned this week for more hints and clues. I’ve been working very hard on this project for months, and I really think you’ll like it. it all takes place at www.connorclaire.com, where you can sign up, and I...

Makeup Shortcuts: Smoke Out Your Lids With Liner, as well as prevent having to clean Up after effects [Featuring Chanel...

cleaning up after effects is one of my least preferred things in this universe, ideal up there with ill-fitting underwear. I LOATHE having to clean up powder under my eyes. I just have much better things to make with my life, ya know? I just recently stumbled on this method where you smoke out the outer corners utilizing an eyeliner, as well as it’s the Best. Thing. कहिलेरज since no fallout. Basically, all you requirement is a pencil liner, your preferred blending clean as well as your finest resting b*tch face. विज्ञापन Ha! I kid, I kid! The RBF is...

के तपाइँ क्रिसमसको बिहान मेकअप लगाउने योजना गर्नुहुन्छ?

क्रिसमस 201 2015 (BG अझै मेरो टममा रहेको थियो) इमानदार हुन, म यो वर्ष मेरो लागि मेरो लागि कार्ड मा छ विश्वास छैन। म फिलिपिनो हुँ, साथै मेरो परिवारले आज राती मनाइन्छ र रातभरि बसिरहेको छ (हो, मैले सिंहाइनल रिच जस्तै गीत)। तर हामी वास्तवमै रातभरि नै रहन्छौं! मेरो मतलब, हुनसक्छ हामी 1 वा 2 जस्तै Zonk गर्नेछौं, यद्यपि यो एक भन्दा राम्रो ठूलो व्यंजन, रमाईलोको साथसाथै र कराओके समय द्वारा क्रिसमसको बिहानको वरिपरि घुम्छ, म धेरै ह्यान्डल गर्न सक्दिन। म मेरो दाँतहरू सफा गर्न सक्छु (सायद), वा कहिले काँही मर्ने ठाउँका साथ मल्टिंग अन्तरिक्षमा तल झर्छु र एक फुस्रो...

Unnnng शुक्रवार नायकहरु: शहरी रिया रिल रिचाअप प्रेस ओठ लिफ्ट प्रेम

सबैभन्दा उत्तम ओठ बाली! मैले महसुस गरें कि म यस ओठ बाम को कुरा गरिरहन्छु, तर यो त्यो हो। राम्रो मैले बिन्दुमा पुग्छु जहाँ मसँग ट्यूबहरू छन्। मसंग मेरो नाइटस्ट्यान्डमा एक छ। मसँग मेरो केट स्पाएडे रिस्टलेटमा एक छ ... मँ अब सोच्दै छु कि मैले पनि एकलाई मेरो गाडीमा राख्नु पर्छ। यो शहरी रिया रिल रिचाउड प्रीप गर्नुहोस् kip lip प्रेम, र यो $ 15 हो, जुन पाँच पैसा भन्दा कमको लागि, तर वास्तवमा होमफ्रेज र चित्तिकै प्राप्त गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ। विज्ञापन ओह, मेरो भलाइ! म पनि यो महसुस गर्छु। यो थोरै फिलिप, तर यो बाक्लो वा भारी वा टाँसिएको...

5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

just a few things I’ve been into as of late Some people were born to sing (En vogue shout-out!). Me? I was born to make lists. here are 5 things I’ve been loving lately. 1. amazing August mornings June and July were brutally hot here in the Bay Area, and if you didn’t have air conditioning, it was like living in an armpit. विज्ञापन Cloudy August mornings = yes Lately, though, like for the past two weeks, it’s been cooler here. Borderline cold. and what a welcome change. I am NOT hating on those overcast mornings in The lady Sanctuary!...

Welcome to the Jungle

The Ko’olau Mountains विज्ञापन Last day of the trip. We’ll be back house tomorrow. It’s been so unwinding as well as fantastic seeing Connor have so much fun in the tropics. El Hub’s parents utilized to online in this home best here. I’ll never fail to remember exactly how loud the birds are in the morning! अति उत्तम। This is called Haiku gardens in Kaneohe behind where my in-laws utilized to live. We utilized to go there every morning to feed the fish as well as turtles. There’s a big lychee tree in the garden, as well as it’s the...

मेकअप र अपील ब्लॉड सोमबार चुली, भोल। 5 554

यो एक डली | हर्षिक बिहान हो। त्यसो भए ... सोमबार चुप लाग्नु भनेको के हो? उत्कृष्ट प्रश्न! यो यसको नामको विपरित होइन, वास्तविक चुनाव, जस्तै सानो क्लिक बटनको साथ। यो केवल पाँच मध्ये एक धेरै वा कम अनियमित प्रश्नहरूको एक सूची हो जुन विगतको क्वाड्रिलियन वर्षहरूको लागि (200 2007 देखि) को लागी प्रत्येक ब्लगमा पोष्ट गर्दै मलाई तपाईंको उत्तरहरू पढ्न मन पर्छ, र यसले मलाई मेरो हप्तालाई राम्रो सुरुमा लिन मद्दत गर्दछ। नि? 1. विंग लाइनर वा चमकदार छाया? चम्किलो छाया। म मलाई पखेटा मन पराउँछु, तर मलाई लाग्छ कि तपाईं एक चम्किलो छायाको साथ तपाईंको ब be ्ग्रेस...

The new MAC Patrick Starrr Oh No She Beta Don’t/Patrickstarrr kit

Oh no she beta don’t! You know, whenever any individual mentions Patrick Starrr, my mind immediately goes to the MAC glam-bassador’s over-the-top makeup style, and so when a dude at the gym last Wednesday night asked during the stretching part at the end of HIIT class if we could do the “Patrick Starrr,” I just automatically assumed he wanted everyone to bust out their falsies and bake their contours. (As one does at the end of a particularly brutal set of lunges, naturally.) Oh No She Beta Don’t/Patrickstarrr Turns out homeboy was talking about another nickname for the “corpse pose”...

Oahu, Hawaii 2019 getaway in Review: things I Did, places I Ate and Where I Stayed

things I did, places I ate, and places I shopped on Oahu. The Go-Go’s said it best… Vacation, all I ever wanted. You guys, I miss Hawaii! even though this trip wasn’t optimal (more on that in a sec), we still had fun, and I’m missin’ it as I sit here at my desk under three layers of clothes as I slowly turn into a human Popsicle. विज्ञापन Here’s what I did, where I stayed and what I ate. तर पहिला… 1. The Kaiser Permanente Waipio medical Office On the second day of the trip, Connor came down with what...